
Yo yo yo welcoem to my area on the internet! There's lots of stuff coming soon so stick around. (btw, most of the buttons above don't link to anything yet)

to do list:
·finish home


About Me

Hello! I'm a person and stuff! I'm planning on adding more stuff like art and possibly games (or smth to do here XD). I'm in high school currently so there probably isn't gonna be constant updates (this website is mostly like a side hobby). !!! This is most likely abandoned as of 2024, I kinda lost my motivation to work on code, it was fun while it lasted, email me if you ever need help coding, I'll be glad to help (or dm on discord my user is "royalpennytea" i'm more active there) bye guys !!!

I joined a cool webring and ima set it to the left until I find a good spot for it

My Neocities profile

My Button

My button doesn't look the best XD. I'm working on a mascot for this website btw!!!

SomE MoRe StuFf

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam rhoncus odio et neque varius dapibus. Praesent laoreet ipsum nec urna malesuada, quis auctor lorem sagittis. Suspendisse semper nisl vitae ligula varius malesuada. Aenean consequat libero risus, nec rutrum felis tincidunt sed. Nullam non metus in neque vehicula convallis vitae et est. Fusce eleifend leo ut urna vulputate

Maecenas a leo sed neque dapibus lobortis. Vestibulum ornare est in fermentum lacinia. Curabitur ut consectetur risus. Donec consectetur lorem eget mauris facilisis, ut tempor dui congue. In nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam rhoncus odio et neque varius dapibus. Praesent laoreet ipsum nec urna malesuada, quis auctor lorem sagittis. Suspendisse semper nisl vitae ligula varius malesuada. Aenean consequat libero risus, nec rutrum felis tincidunt sed. Nullam non metus in neque vehicula convallis vitae et est. Fusce eleifend leo ut urna vulputate

Maecenas a leo sed neque dapibus lobortis. Vestibulum ornare est in fermentum lacinia. Curabitur ut consectetur risus. Donec consectetur lorem eget mauris facilisis, ut tempor dui congue. In nunc.


You see that jar to the side? That awesome jar was made by Lejla. It would be like super cool if you checked them out!! You see that clock down there? It was made by me (with some tutorials). It also took me a long time XD.
adoptables I've adopted

NerdTests.com says I'm an Uber-Dorky High Nerd.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum! I am 62% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!